A history that began and continues being written in Alentejo
Pateo do Morgado, uma casa que nasce da tradição de uma família e das suas raízes seculares no gosto pelo campo e pela terra, na entrega de algo que merece ser reconhecido através da dedição e valorização no tempo. De bisavós para bisnetos, uma história que pertence, orgulhosamente, à herança dos Rovisco Pais.
Today, with twenty hectares of vineyard in a rich and generous land, Pateo do Morgado carries on with its quality quest above all else. The wines produced here are quite appreciated by whomever tastes them, served by the family to friends or to strangers, one glass here, one glass there. This is a history that can not be written overnight and that has still plenty more to tell.
Monte do Moinho in dry pruning.
Producing a wine, watching it thrive and commending it only when it is already distinct. It is a passionate and vibrant process, however, it is also a slow one, it can take years until the wine reaches the desired stage. It all starts with a dream born in the vineyards that grows in the grapes, takes form in the winepress and then evolves in space and time until it can, at last, live at the table on a never-ending revelation.
2012 Harvest, Courela do Pardieiro 39ºC degrees